Thursday, 13 April 2017

The influx.

It is Easter. This means, to many people, fluffy rabbits, eggs, and possibly some religious stuff. To me it means tourists! And not being able to walk the dogs with confidence and in a relaxed way, as we are likely to meet people every few yards. This means leads for pups, and that is hard work and not very good exercise for them.
So a lot of throwing balls and the like in the garden has resulted.
And a lot of listening to the amount of traffic trundling up and down the main road, even now, at midnight. I was in a local hotel earlier today (for a meeting, not pleasure) and was rather surprised at how quiet it was - judging from the traffic noise now it was the calm before the storm.
I must be one of a minority in wishing for rain over the holiday weekend - rain keeps the real numpties away, and limits the chicken bones and rubbish from discarded barbecues. Rain dissuades the walkers who toss their crisp packets and chocolate wrappers to the ground wherever they happen to be. Sometimes I like rain!

I know, I choose to live here, at least to some degree. And given I spent a while in the Lake District it is not exactly a foreign experience, all these tourists. But I still long for silent paths, and the chance to walk and not meet anyone at all. I miss listening to the birdsong without a constant bass and rhythm section from the ever-passing traffic.

This weekend I need to take some time to make some decisions, and then to act on them. Some for me, some for others, some in hope, and some in fear. We shall see.

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